By the 1500s, Europeans had mostly abandoned Roman numerals in favor of Arabic numerals. They also began to use the notation for fractions that Arabic mathematicians used with the numerator above the denominator. Eventually, they added a bar or slash between the numerator and denominator. So three quarters would look like "3/4".
Europeans also started using decimal fractions. For example, two and three-tenths is written as "2.3" or "2,3". [Today, much of the world uses the comma to separate the decimal and spaces to group digits by threes.]
[[Next]]Let's start with 0.4
Put 3/8 in the right order.
[[<span class="box">less than</span>|second]]0.4[[<span class="box">greater than</span>|fail]]Now put 0.38 in the right order.
[[<span class="box">less than</span>|fail]]3/8[[<span class="box">in between</span>|third]]0.4[[<span class="box">greater than</span>|fail]]Sorry, that's wrong.
"Do you want to [[play|Next]] again or [[no]]?"]Okay, see you later.Now put 7/16 in the right order.
[[<span class="box">less than</span>|fail]]3/8[[<span class="box">in between</span>|fail]]0.38[[<span class="box">in between</span>|fail]]0.4[[<span class="box">greater than</span>|fourth]]Now put 3/7 in the right order.
[[<span class="box">less than</span>|fail]]3/8[[<span class="box">in between</span>|fail]]0.38[[<span class="box">in between</span>|fail]]0.4[[<span class="box">in between</span>|fifth]]7/16[[<span class="box">greater than</span>|fail]]Now put 0.42 in the right order.
[[<span class="box">less than</span>|fail]]3/8[[<span class="box">in between</span>|fail]]0.38[[<span class="box">in between</span>|fail]]0.4[[<span class="box">in between</span>|sixth]]3/7[[<span class="box">in between</span>|fail]]7/16[[<span class="box">greater than</span>|fail]]Now put 6/13 in the right order.
[[<span class="box">less than</span>|fail]]3/8[[<span class="box">in between</span>|fail]]0.38[[<span class="box">in between</span>|fail]]0.4[[<span class="box">in between</span>|fail]]0.42[[<span class="box">in between</span>|fail]]3/7[[<span class="box">in between</span>|fail]]7/16[[<span class="box">greater than</span>|seventh]]Finally, put 0.45 in the right order.
[[<span class="box">less than</span>|fail]]3/8[[<span class="box">in between</span>|fail]]0.38[[<span class="box">in between</span>|fail]]0.4[[<span class="box">in between</span>|fail]]0.42[[<span class="box">in between</span>|fail]]3/7[[<span class="box">in between</span>|fail]]7/16[[<span class="box">in between</span>|win]]6/13[[<span class="box">greater than</span>|fail]](set: $code to (random: 50, 350) * 23 + 7)
3/8 < 0.38 < 0.4 < 0.42 < 3/7 < 7/16 < 0.45 < 6/13
Confirmation code: (print: $code)