Your friend shows you something he got from a Portuguese sailor. It's a piece of ivory with six equal sides and dots on each side. "They use it to play games, kind of like we play Waltes," she says.
"I learned this game they call Porco. Wanna play?"
[[Next]]"You roll this cube and count the dots or pips on the top face."
"Pips?" you ask. "Well that's because they look like little seeds." Oh, makes sense.
<img src="" alt="die" class="right">
"Whatever you roll, you add to your total for the turn. You can stop and add that total to your total for the game. First to 50 wins. Ah, I see that you're wondering why you don't just keep rolling? Because if you roll a six, that means you were too greedy and you lose all your points for your turn."
(set: $yourTotal to 0, $myTotal to 0, $yourTurn to 0, $myTurn to 0)
"Okay, I'll start ..."
[[Next|myDecide]]"I rolled a (print: $myRoll)"
"ooh, bad luck!"
My total: (print: $myTotal)
Your total: (print: $yourTotal)
"Your turn." (set: $myTurn to 0)
[[Next|yourGo]](set: $yourTotal to $yourTotal + $yourTurn)
My total: (print: $myTotal)
Your total: (print: $yourTotal)
"My turn." (set: $yourTurn to 0)
[[Next|myDecide]]"I rolled a (print: $myRoll)"
My turn total so far: (print: $myTurn)
[[Next|myDecide]]"I rolled a (print: $myRoll)"
"Okay, I'll stop there." (set: $myTotal to $myTotal + $myTurn)
My total: (print: $myTotal)
Your total: (print: $yourTotal)
"Your turn." (set: $myTurn to 0)
[[Next|yourGo]]"You rolled a (print: $yourRoll)"
Your turn total so far: (print: $yourTurn)
[[Roll again|yourDecide]] or [[stop|yourStop]]"I rolled a (print: $myRoll)"
"I win!"
My total: (print: $myTotal)
Your total: (print: $yourTotal)
"Play [[again|next2]] or [[not]]?""Okay, see you around."(set: $myRoll to (random: 1, 6))
(set: $myTurn to $myTurn + $myRoll)
(set: $temp to $myTotal + $myTurn)
(if: $myRoll is 6) [(goto: "myBust")]
(else-if: $temp > 49) [(set: $myTotal to $temp)(goto: "myWin")]
(else-if: $myTurn < 10 + (sqrt:$yourTotal)) [(goto: "myRoll")]
(else:) [(goto: "myStop")](set: $yourRoll to (random: 1, 6))
(set: $yourTurn to $yourTurn + $yourRoll)
(set: $temp to $yourTotal + $yourTurn)
(if: $yourRoll is 6) [(goto: "yourBust")]
(else-if: $temp > 49) [(set: $yourTotal to $temp)(goto: "yourWin")]
(else:) [(goto: "yourRoll")]"Okay, your turn. Good luck."
[[Next|yourDecide]]"You rolled a (print: $yourRoll)"
"ooh, bad luck!"
My total: (print: $myTotal)
Your total: (print: $yourTotal)
"My turn." (set: $yourTurn to 0)
[[Next|myDecide]]"You rolled a (print: $yourRoll)"
"You win!"
My total: (print: $myTotal)
Your total: (print: $yourTotal)
"Play [[again|next2]] or [[not]]?"