"I learned this game called Pig. Wanna play?"
[[Next]]"You roll this cube and count the dots or pips on the top face."
"Pips?" you ask. "Well that's because they look like little seeds." Oh, makes sense.
<img src="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/28/D6_5.svg" alt="die" class="right">
"Whatever you roll, you add to your total for the turn. You can stop and add that total to your total for the game. First to 50 wins. Ah, I see that you're wondering why you don't just keep rolling? Because if you roll a six, that means you were too greedy and you lose all your points for your turn."
(set: $yourTotal to 0, $myTotal to 0, $yourTurn to 0, $myTurn to 0)
"Okay, I'll start ..."
[[Next|myDecide]]"I rolled a (print: $myRoll)"
"ooh, bad luck!"
My total: (print: $myTotal)
Your total: (print: $yourTotal)
"Your turn." (set: $myTurn to 0)
[[Next|yourGo]](set: $yourTotal to $yourTotal + $yourTurn)
My total: (print: $myTotal)
Your total: (print: $yourTotal)
"My turn." (set: $yourTurn to 0)
[[Next|myDecide]]"I rolled a (print: $myRoll)"
My turn total so far: (print: $myTurn)
[[Next|myDecide]]"I rolled a (print: $myRoll)"
"Okay, I'll stop there." (set: $myTotal to $myTotal + $myTurn)
My total: (print: $myTotal)
Your total: (print: $yourTotal)
"Your turn." (set: $myTurn to 0)
[[Next|yourGo]]"You rolled a (print: $yourRoll)"
Your turn total so far: (print: $yourTurn)
[[Roll again|yourDecide]] or [[stop|yourStop]]"I rolled a (print: $myRoll)"
"I win!"
My total: (print: $myTotal)
Your total: (print: $yourTotal)
"Play [[again|next2]] or [[not]]?""Okay, see you around."(set: $myRoll to (random: 1, 6))
(set: $myTurn to $myTurn + $myRoll)
(set: $temp to $myTotal + $myTurn)
(if: $myRoll is 6) [(goto: "myBust")]
(else-if: $temp > 49) [(set: $myTotal to $temp)(goto: "myWin")]
(else-if: $myTurn < 10 + (sqrt:$yourTotal)) [(goto: "myRoll")]
(else:) [(goto: "myStop")](set: $yourRoll to (random: 1, 6))
(set: $yourTurn to $yourTurn + $yourRoll)
(set: $temp to $yourTotal + $yourTurn)
(if: $yourRoll is 6) [(goto: "yourBust")]
(else-if: $temp > 49) [(set: $yourTotal to $temp)(goto: "yourWin")]
(else:) [(goto: "yourRoll")]"Okay, your turn. Good luck."
[[Next|yourDecide]]"You rolled a (print: $yourRoll)"
"ooh, bad luck!"
My total: (print: $myTotal)
Your total: (print: $yourTotal)
"My turn." (set: $yourTurn to 0)
[[Next|myDecide]]"You rolled a (print: $yourRoll)"
"You win!"
My total: (print: $myTotal)
Your total: (print: $yourTotal)
(set: $code to (random: 50, 350) * 23 + 7)
Confirmation code: (print: $code)