<img src="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/b0/Mozambique_-_traditional_sailboat.jpg/640px-Mozambique_-_traditional_sailboat.jpg" class="right">
<h3>Objective:</h3> You are the head of a family that relies on fishing. If you work hard and make the right investments, you might reach your goal to make your home into a grand villa!
[[next]]<img src="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b9/10k_Coins.png" class="right">
Each month, you will get the option to invest in a bigger net, a bigger boat, a bigger house, and more.
But to invest, you need to make money from fishing.
[[go fishing]] or [[ask advice]]
(set: $net to 40, $boat to 50, $house to 60, $trust to 50, $farm to 0)
(set: $r to 0.05, $pop to 900, $k to 1000, $price to 1.5, $time to 0)
(set: $boatCost to $boat/10, $houseCost to $house/5+3, $current to 10)<img src="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/c8/Decapterus_macarellus.gif" class="right">
(set: $fishCaught to (round: 0.001*$pop*(random: 7, $net)))
(if: $fishCaught > $net)[(set: $fishCaught to $net)]
(set: $boatCost to $boat/10, $houseCost to $house/5+3, $current += (round:$fishCaught*$price)-($boatCost+$houseCost))
Results of your fishing:
<th>fish caught</th><th>price</th><th>boat upkeep</th><th>house upkeep</th>
<th>current funds</th>
Do you want to buy a [[bigger net]], buy a [[bigger boat]], or [[something else]]?
(set: $pop -= 5*$fishCaught) <!- adjust population, assuming 5 boats-->
(set: $pop += $r*$pop*($k-$pop)/$pop) <!-regrowth, using logistic model--><img src="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/3d/Benoa_Bali_Indonesia_Repairing-Fishing-Net-in-Benoa-Harbour-04.jpg/480px-Benoa_Bali_Indonesia_Repairing-Fishing-Net-in-Benoa-Harbour-04.jpg" class="right">
(if: $net is $boat)[Sorry, you need a bigger boat for a bigger net.]
(if: $current < 10)[Sorry, you don't have enough money.]
(if: $net < $boat and $current >= 10)[Congratulations, you have a bigger net.(set: $current -= 10, $net += 10)]
[[current status]]<img src="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/c0/E.A.Gouder%2C_Gozitan_fishing_boat_%28No._46%29.jpg" class="right">
(if: $house <= $boat)[Sorry, you need more people (bigger house) for a bigger boat.]
(if: $current < 10)[Sorry, you don't have enough money.]
(if: $boat < $house and $current >= 10)[Congratulations, you have a bigger boat.(set: $current -= 10, $boat += 10, $trust -= 10)]
[[current status]]You can invest in a [[bigger house]] (increasing your family)
or invest in a better [[road]] (improving the marketability of fish)
or invest in a better [[harbor]] (also improving fish prices)
or invest in [[farming]] (provide some alternate income)
or invest in the fishing [[cooperative]] (increase cooperation and trust)
or invest in [[river restoration]] (to increase fish stocks)
or [[check status|current status]] (especially if you're low on funds){(set: $hLevel to ($house-50)/10, $estPop to (round: ($pop/100))*100, $current += $farm, $time +=1)
(if: $house is 100)[Well done! You have built up your family's fortunes and have a nice villa.
(set: $code to (random:100,900)*23+7)
your completion code: $code<br>
[[play again|Start]] ]
(else-if: $current < -39)[Unfortunately, you have fallen too far in debt and you have to sell your boat and net to buy food.<br> --GAME OVER--
<br>[[play again|Start]] ]
(else-if: $time > (random: 18,24)) [(go-to: "hurricane")]}
(else:)[Current status:
<th>house level</th><th>current funds</th><th>fish pop. (est.)</th>
<th>fish regrowth</th><th>trust level</th>
[[go fishing]] ]{(if: $current < 10)[Sorry, you don't have enough money]
(if: $price >= 3)[Sorry, the road can't be improved more.]
(else:)[(set: $increment to (round: $trust/100)*0.5)
(if: $increment < 0.5)[Sorry, the trust isn't high enough for others to join you in this investment.]
(else:)[The improved road has increased the fish price!
(set: $price += $increment, $trust += 10)] ]}
[[current status]] {(if: $current < 10)[Sorry, you don't have enough money]
(if: $price >= 3.5)[Sorry, the harbor can't be improved more.]
(else:)[(set: $increment to (round: $trust/100)*0.5)
(if: $increment < 0.5)[Sorry, the trust isn't high enough for others to join you in this investment.]
(else:)[The improved harbor has increased the fish price!
(set: $price += $increment, $trust += 10)] ]}
[[current status]] {(if: $current < 10)[Sorry, you don't have enough money]
(else-if: $farm is 2)[Sorry, you can't increase your farming income more.]
(else:)[You now have a small farm that will give you a little money each month.
(set: $current -= 10, $farm to 2)] }
[[current status]] {(if: $current < 10)[Sorry, you don't have enough money]
(else:)[The fishing cooperative is stronger now.
(set: $current -= 10, $trust += 10)]}
[[current status]]{(if: $current < 10)[Sorry, you don't have enough money]
(if: $r >= 0.08)[Sorry, the river can't be improved more.]
(else:)[(set: $increment to (round: $trust/100))
(if: $increment < 1)[Sorry, the trust isn't high enough for others to join you in this investment.]
(else:)[The river restoration has increased the fish regrowth!
(set: $temp to (round:(100*$r)))
(set: $temp += $increment)
(set: $r to $temp*0.01, $trust += 10)] ]}
[[current status]]<img src="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/b4/Kaliningrad_fishing_village.jpg/640px-Kaliningrad_fishing_village.jpg" class="right">
{(if: $current < 50)[Sorry, you don't have enough money to build a bigger house]}
(else:)[Congratulations, you have a bigger house.
(set: $current -= 50, $house += 10, $trust -= 10)]
[[current status]]<img src="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/88/Winslow_Homer_-_After_the_Hurricane%2C_Bahamas_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg/640px-Winslow_Homer_-_After_the_Hurricane%2C_Bahamas_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg" class="right">
Unfortunately, a severe storm hit your fishing village and your house wasn't big enough to withstand the strong winds. You lost everything.
[[play again|Start]]<div id="box1">Your main objective is to build up your house, but each house upgrade is expensive ($50). If you get a bigger net, you will catch more fish. But you can only upgrade your net once before you have to get a bigger boat. And you can only upgrade your boat once before you have to get a bigger house. Net and boat upgrades cost $10.
You are not the only one catching fish! The more you upgrade your boat and net to catch more fish, the more the other people fishing will as well. And spending money on boats and houses lowers the trust others have.
Trust is important because if you want to invest in improvements like roads, the harbor, or river restoration, you need enough trust for others to join with you (you can't improve the harbor all by yourself!).
[[go fishing]]</div>
You are the head of a family that relies on fishing. If you work hard and make the right investments, you might reach your goal to make your home into a grand villa!