The great sagamow Messamouet sends you a message that he wants to talk with you. You have no idea why the district chief and famous warrior would want to talk to you. You of course go to see him right away.
"You have learned to build a *gwitn* and navigate a *salpolgu'j*" the sagamow tells you. "Now I ask you to take on an important quest. In a few days a Basque *lapugwan* will return to France, across the sea. I want you to go with them."
You ponder this request.
[[next]]<img src="" class="right">
{(set: $confidence to 50, $bilge to 3.25, $bilgeD to 3.25, $water to 580, $food to 1800, $morale to 80, $totalDist to 2128, $passage to 0, $step to 1, $day to 0, $wRation to 20, $fRation to 60, $max to 110, $mFactor to 1, $barrels to 600, $trip to 2128, $land to false)
(set: $stageOne to (shuffled: "Captain (1)", "Navigator (1)", "Sail mender", "Cook", "Deck hand", "Carpenter (1)", "Quartermaster", "Cooper", "Math tutor (1)"))
(set: $stageTwo to (shuffled: "Captain (2)", "Factor", "Striker", "Interpreter", "Carpenter (2)", "Lookout"))
(set: $stageThree to (shuffled: "Captain (3)", "Navigator (2)", "Purser", "First Mate", "Surgeon", "Harpooner", "Math tutor (2)", "Musician", "Roper"))
(set: $showFooter to false, $showHeader to false, $lFactor to 1.05)}Messamouet tells you about his trip to Bayonne, France and the time he spent there. "The French king has his eye on us, as do the other European chiefs. We must learn all we can about their intentions and everything we can of their trade and skills."
You wonder what your role could be in such important matters. "A Basque ship will return soon to France and I have arranged with the captain for you to go with them. You will spend some time across the ocean and then return to us. Pay close attention and learn everything you can."
(set: $log to (a:))<img src="" class="right">
Messamouet himself accompanies you to the ship. He introduces you to the captain and gives you one final piece of advice. "Try to answer the captain's questions as best you can. He will be paying attention to what you learn. Impress him and your trip to France will be productive."
Soon, the last of the barrels are loaded and the ship sets sail. What awaits you on the journey ahead?
No one knows how long the passage to France will be. Three weeks? Six weeks? The navigator told you that he estimates the total distance to be a bit more than 2100 nautical miles. That's if the captain doesn't order a side trip to the Azores or Spain.
Each day, the captain receives a report on the estimated passage and food and water stocks. He also keeps an eye on the level of water in the bilge, at the very bottom of the ship.The captain expects you to be learning as much as you can and will be quizzing you to check.
(set: $showFooter to true)(if: $showFooter is true)[day: $day <br>passage: $passage nautical miles
water: $water gallons <br>food: $food pounds of biscuit
(set: $bilgeD to ((round:(100*$bilge))/100)) bilge: $bilgeD inches
morale: (round: $morale)<br> confidence: $confidence
<br>Nautical miles traveled:
$log ]
<img src="" class="right">
Your first days on the ship seem to pass in a blur as you learn nautical terminology and practice speaking Basque. You also need to learn some French before the trip is done.
{(set: $day to it+4)
(set: $log to $log + (a: (random: 30, $max),(random: 30, $max),(random: 30 , $max),(random: 30, $max)))
(set: $water to it-($day*$wRation), $food to it-($day*$fRation))
(set: $passage to it + $log's 1st+$log's 2nd+$log's 3rd+$log's 4th)
(set: $bilge to 3.25*(pow:1.05, $day))}Four days pass and the captain tells you that he will have to make some important decisions soon and asks you to try to get information he will need. "If we run too low on food or water, I will have to either order cuts to the rations or order a course change to the Azores. There we can trade some of our cargo for food and water. This would not only make the journey to France longer but also affect everyone's share."
"I must also decide if the bilge water level is rising too quickly. If it gets to 15 inches, the ship will travel slower and we will have to set up shifts pumping out the water. Or, if we divert to the Azores, we could careen the ship and make repairs."
{(set: $day to it+4, $water to it-80, $food to it-240)
(set: $log to $log + (a: (random: 30, $max),(random: 30, $max),(random: 30 , $max),(random: 30, $max)))
(set: $passage to it + $log's 5th+$log's 6th+$log's 7th+$log's 8th)
(set: $bilge to 3.25*(pow:1.05, $day))}The captain asks you to estimate how many nautical miles are left to get to France.
You reckon about [[1750|one]], [[1830|two]], or [[1900|three]]
<hr>{(set: $togo to (2128-$passage))
(if: ($togo>1775))[The captain says "Unfortunately, the distance remaining is surely greater than that." You wonder if his confidence in you has gone down. (set: $confidence to it-10)]
(else:)[The captain says "Yes, we have been fortunate in the winds and currents." (set: $confidence to it+5)]}
{(set: $togo to (2128-$passage))
(if: ($togo<1790))[The captain says "Fortunately, the distance remaining is surely less than that." You wonder if his confidence in you has gone down. (set: $confidence to it-10)]
(else-if: ($togo>1870))[The captain says "Unfortunately, the distance remaining is surely greater than that." You wonder if his confidence in you has gone down. (set: $confidence to it-10)]
(else:)[The captain says "Yes, we have made acceptable progress." (set: $confidence to it+5)]}
{(set: $togo to (2128-$passage))
(if: ($togo<1865))[The captain says "Fortunately, the distance remaining is surely less than that." You wonder if his confidence in you has gone down. (set: $confidence to it-10)]
(else:)[The captain says "Yes, we have not been fortunate in the winds and currents." (set: $confidence to it+5)]}
You can choose from:
(text:$stageOne's 1st) | (text:$stageOne's 2nd) | (text:$stageOne's 3rd)
{(click: $stageOne's 1st)[(go-to: 1st of $stageOne)]
(click: $stageOne's 2nd)[(go-to: 2nd of $stageOne)]
(click: $stageOne's 3rd)[(go-to: 3rd of $stageOne)]}The captain congratulates you on the progress you've made in Basque and French. Then he asks you if you know any Portuguese.
"Just a few words," you respond. "I know once there were many Portuguese travelling to //Mi'gma'gi//, but now we don't see them much."
The captain nods. "Yes, since Spain took the Portuguese crown, their trips to //Terranova// have been discouraged. If we divert to the Azores, you will get a chance to maybe learn some more Portuguese."
{(set: $step to it+1)}The navigator agrees to pause his calculations and talk with you for a bit.
"Once we sail beyond the sight of land, we have to constantly calculate how far we have traveled by watching the speed of the ship, the currents and when it's clear, checking our latitude."
<img src="" class="right">You have some experience using the stars and sun to gauge direction and distance north or south. But you ask how can he give the captain a good number for how many of the more than 2100 nautical miles are left to go.
"One of the methods I use is the 1 in 60 Rule. If I find that a current or wind takes us off-course, than I divide 60 by the degrees of course and that's how far we've traveled to get 1 mile off-course. For example, if we went 4 degrees off-course, then every 15 miles we travel puts us another mile off-course."
{(set: $step to it+1)}You watch the sail mender making a small repair to the corner of a sail. He works a bit, then pays attention to what the sails are doing, watching and listening.
"I can tell from how full they are and the sound they make about what speed we are making. Then I compare with the navigator at the end of the day estimates of how far we have traveled. On a really good day, we can make 100 miles."
{(set: $step to it+1)}The cook seems very busy but he says he has time to talk.
"Most of the crew just get their hard biscuit each day, whatever the current ration is that the captain set. I try to add to that a bit of peas and salted fish, but everything has to last until we make landfall."
{(set: $step to it+1)}Eder, the deck hand, tells you about why Basque sailors would spend so many months making the journey across the sea, catching whales, working the try-pots, and then going back across the sea.
"Well, it's sure not for the food! After a week at sea, the fresh food is gone and they give us some hard biscuit or maybe a few peas and salted fish. No, I have to hope that my share of the whale oil will be enough."
{(set: $step to it+1)}The carpenter is closely checking the depth of water in the bilge, the bottom of the ship.
"This ship is well-built but it's been at sea for months and it's starting to leak. Unfortunately, as the water comes in and the ship sinks lower, the leaking will actually speed up."
"To estimate at what percent the water is increasing, I asked a mathematician to calculate the 8th power of one plus percents from 1 to 12. That way, since it's hard to see the change from one day to the next, I can estimate the rate of increase in leaking."
[[see chart]]
{(set: $step to it+1)}
You find the quartermaster carefully measuring the water level in a barrel.
"The crew is counting on me keeping a close watch on their rations, making sure they're measured out fairly and that they last. We could run low on food and scrape by for days or weeks on thin rations. But cutting the water ration could put the crew in real danger."
"The captain needs to calculate how many days are left in the voyage, based on our average progress and then we can multiply that by the amount of food or water used each day. If we have that much, then we don't have to cut rations."
{(set: $step to it+1)}You find the cooper inspecting the many barrels below deck.
"Nearly all of these we built in //Terranova//," he says. You know he's talking about their name for the lands your people have always lived in. Strange how they think of it as a new-found land.
"We use these to store food, water, but especially the whale oil. The 600 barrels will be split between the ship owner and the crew when we get back to France."
{(set: $step to it+1)}The math tutor is showing a group of sailors how to calculate with percentages. "Sometimes something increases as a percentage of its quantity rather than a fixed amount. So instead of adding say 5 each time, a quantity could grow like plus 2, plus 3, plus 5, plus 8, plus 12, and so on."
"Another way to think about percentage growth is to use the Rule of 70. If something is growing at a certain percent, then the time it takes to double is about 70 divided by the percentage points."
{(set: $step to it+1)}You can choose from:
{(if: $step is 2)[ (set: $log to $log+(a:(random:30,$max)))
(set: $day to it+1) (set: $passage to it + $log's 9th, $water to 580-($day*20), $food to 1800-($day*60), $bilge to 3.25*(pow:1.05, $day))
(text:$stageOne's 4th) | (text:$stageOne's 5th) | (text:$stageOne's 6th)
(click: $stageOne's 4th)[(go-to: 4th of $stageOne)]
(click: $stageOne's 5th)[(go-to: 5th of $stageOne)]
(click: $stageOne's 6th)[(go-to: 6th of $stageOne)] ]
(else-if: $step is 3)[ (set: $log to $log+(a:(random:30,$max)))
(set: $day to it+1) (set: $passage to it + $log's 10th, $water to 580-($day*20), $food to 1800-($day*60), $bilge to 3.25*(pow:1.05, $day))
(text:$stageOne's 7th) | (text:$stageOne's 8th) | (text:$stageOne's 9th)
(click: $stageOne's 7th)[(go-to: 7th of $stageOne)]
(click: $stageOne's 8th)[(go-to: 8th of $stageOne)]
(click: $stageOne's 9th)[(go-to: 9th of $stageOne)] ]
The captain asks if you think the water ration should be cut, assuming that the ship sails straight to France.
//Think about how many days are probably left and if, at the rate of water consumed now, supplies will last.//
[[cut it|cutW]] or [[leave it|leaveW]]
{(if: (2128-$passage)>1418)[The captain agrees that this unpopular step must be taken. (set: $confidence to it+5, $wRation to 18, $mFactor to it-0.03)]
(else:) ["We aren't in that bad a state yet." You wonder if the captain's confidence in you has gone down. (set: $confidence to it-10, $wRation to 20)]}
{(if: (2128-$passage)>1418)["We are in a bad state and tough choices must be made." You wonder if the captain's confidence in you has gone down. (set: $confidence to it-10, $wRation to 18, $mFactor to it-0.03)]
(else:) [ The captain agrees that this unpopular step can be avoided. (set: $confidence to it+5, $wRation to 20)]}
The captain asks if you think the food ration should be cut, assuming that the ship sails straight to France.
//Think about how many days are probably left and if, at the rate of food consumed now, supplies will last.//
[[cut it|cutF]] or [[leave it|leaveF]]
{(if: (2128-$passage)>1460)[The captain agrees that this unpopular step must be taken. (set: $confidence to it+5, $fRation to 50)]
(else:) ["We aren't in that bad a state yet." You wonder if the captain's confidence in you has gone down. (set: $confidence to it-10, $wRation to 60, $mFactor to it-0.02)]}
{(if: (2128-$passage)>1460)["We are in a bad state and tough choices must be made." You wonder if the captain's confidence in you has gone down. (set: $confidence to it-10, $fRation to 50, $mFactor to it-0.02)]
(else:) [ The captain agrees that this unpopular step can be avoided. (set: $confidence to it+5, $fRation to 60)]}
Several days pass and the captain asks if you think the ship needs to divert to the Azores.
//Think about how many days are probably left and if the bilge depth will reach 15 inches.//
[[divert]] or [[keep the course|keep]]
{(set: $day to it+2, $water to it-2*$wRation, $food to it-2*$fRation)
(set: $log to $log + (a: (random: 30, $max),(random: 30, $max)))
(set: $passage to it + $log's 11th+$log's 12th)
(set: $bilge to 3.25*(pow:1.05, $day), $morale to it*$mFactor)}{(if: (2128-$passage)>1260)["Yes, for the safety of the ship and crew, we should divert to the Azores. Which also means we don't have to cut rations. But this will add about 340 miles to our voyage." (set: $confidence to it+5, $fRation to 60, $wRation to 20, $divert to true, $trip to 2470, $mFactor to 1)]
(else:) [ The captain says that this time-consuming step can be avoided. You wonder if the captain's confidence in you has gone down. (set: $confidence to it-10, $divert to false)]}
{(if: (2128-$passage)>1260)["For the safety of the ship and crew, we should divert to the Azores. Which also means we don't have to cut rations. But this will add about 340 miles to our voyage."
You wonder if the captain's confidence in you has gone down. (set: $confidence to it-10, $fRation to 60, $wRation to 20, $divert to true, $trip to 2470, $mFactor to 1)]
(else:) [ The captain agrees that this time-consuming step can be avoided. (set: $confidence to it+5, $divert to false)]}
"The way this table works is I divide the depth on the 8th day (4.8) by the start depth (3.25) and look for the closest value in the second row. The row above gives me one plus the growth rate."
[[back|Carpenter (1)]]
{(set: $step to it-1)}
You can choose from:
{(if: $step is 4)[ (set: $log to $log+(a:(random:30,$max)))
(set: $day to it+1) (set: $passage to it + $log's 13th)
(text:$stageTwo's 1st) | (text:$stageTwo's 2nd) | (text:$stageTwo's 3rd)
(click: $stageTwo's 1st)[(go-to: 1st of $stageTwo)]
(click: $stageTwo's 2nd)[(go-to: 2nd of $stageTwo)]
(click: $stageTwo's 3rd)[(go-to: 3rd of $stageTwo)] ]
(else-if: $step is 5)[ (set: $log to $log+(a:(random:30,$max)))
(set: $day to it+1) (set: $passage to it + $log's 14th)
(text:$stageTwo's 4th) | (text:$stageTwo's 5th) | (text:$stageTwo's 6th)
(click: $stageTwo's 4th)[(go-to: 4th of $stageTwo)]
(click: $stageTwo's 5th)[(go-to: 5th of $stageTwo)]
(click: $stageTwo's 6th)[(go-to: 6th of $stageTwo)] ]
(else:)[(go-to:"check4")] (set: $water to it-$wRation, $food to it-$fRation, $morale to it*$mFactor, $bilge to 3.25*(pow:1.05, $day))}
"When the ship anchors, my job is to look for fresh meat and eggs. So I go fishing or hunting," the striker tells you. "In Terranova, I have tried to learn how to best do this from Abenaki, Mi'kmaq, and Ojibwe people. I've learned a few new words like //mooz// and //kalibu//. Maybe you can teach me some more."
{(set: $step to it+1)}
You hear one of the sailors singing a short song in a language that you never heard before. Curious, you ask about it.
"It's a song my mother taught me in the language she grew up with, Fulani. I spoke that and Portuguese growing up. I decided to try to learn languages and work on any ship that needs an interpreter. Maybe you can help me learn more Mi'kmaw," the interpreter says.
{(set: $step to it+1)}
<img src="" class="right" style="border:2px solid black">
{(if: $divert) ["The Azores are a series of islands extending for hundreds of miles," explains the captain. "If we can make it to an island further east, then we will have less need to trade for food as we will be closer to France."]
(else:) ["The Azores were settled by Portuguese but Spain now rules over Portugal. They send out patrol boats looking for passing ships that they force to pay a tax, claiming that everything from the Americas belong to them," the captain says.
You wonder at the Spanish king's lack of humility.]}
{(set: $step to it+1)}
The carpenter is checking his tools.
"If we have to careen, we'll want to work fast at repairs and caulking between the tides. The pilot will steer the ship up on a beach"
{(set: $step to it+1)}
You find the factor checking several barrels with furs in them. They look like //gopit// and you wonder if maybe any of them were from beavers you trapped and traded. You ask if all the Basque ships trade for furs.
"Probably at least a little," the factor explains. "I paid for permission to come on this voyage to bring items for trade, like copper pots, glass beads, and axes. I had no problem finding partners to trade with."
You understand this as you have seen how important the kettles and axes are during the hard winter months when the Mi'kmaq have to leave the coast and live in the forest.
{(set: $step to it+1)}
"The navigator can look at the sun or stars and calculate our position north or south. But figuring east or west once we are out of sight of land can't be checked, as fas I know," explains the lookout.
{(if: $divert is true) [
"So, if the captain thinks we are getting close to land, someone climbs up and scans the horizon constantly. Otherwise, we could think an island is a hundred miles away but it could be just 5 miles away and we might not see it from the deck."]
(else:) ["So, if the captain thinks we are getting close to land, someone climbs up and scans the horizon constantly. Otherwise, a Spanish patrol ship could be just 5 miles away and we might not see it from the deck."
The lookout explains that the Spanish patrol near the Azores and force ships to pay a tax.]}
{(set: $step to it+1)}
{(if: $divert) [Several days pass and the ship lands on an island in the Azores. The crew is able to find fresh water and does some fishing. A Portuguese farmer is willing to sell some grain in exchange for whale oil. He wants one barrel for 40 pounds and will trade up to 480 pounds.
The captain says there's over 1100 nautical miles to sail to France and asks for your recommendation.
//Think about how much food will be needed and what the ship has left.//
[[120 pounds|eighty]] | [[240 pounds|twoH]] | [[320 pounds|three2]] | [[480 pounds|fourH]] ]}
{(else:) [Several days pass and the captain asks you about the water ration.
//Think about how many days are left to travel and how much water is used each day.//
[[partial water rations|partialW]] | [[full water rations|fullW]] ]}
{(set: $day to it+6, $water to it-4*$wRation, $food to it-4*$fRation)
(set: $log to $log + (a: (random: 30, $max),(random: 30, $max),(random: 30, $max),(random: 30, $max),(random: 30, $max),(random: 30, $max)))
(set: $passage to it + $log's 15th+$log's 16th+$log's 17th+$log's 18th+$log's 19th+$log's 20th)
(set: $bilge to 3.25*(pow:1.05, $day), $morale to it*$mFactor*$mFactor*$mFactor*$mFactor*$mFactor*$mFactor)}
{(if: $divert is true) [get ready to go to Azores]
(else:) [push on through to France]}
"We made the stop so we should get more than that," The captain says. You wonder if the captain's confidence in you has gone down.
{(set: $confidence to it-10, $barrels to it-6, $water to 600, $food to it+240)}
"That seems reasonable," the captain says and orders the exchange to be made.
{(set: $confidence to it+5, $barrels to it-6, $water to 600, $food to it+240)}
"That seems reasonable," the captain says and orders the exchange to be made.
{(set: $confidence to it+5, $barrels to it-8, $water to 600, $food to it+320)}
"We worked too hard for that oil to trade away so much," The captain says. You wonder if the captain's confidence in you has gone down.
{(set: $confidence to it-10, $barrels to it-8, $water to 600, $food to it+320)}
{(set: $daysToGo to ($trip-$passage)/70)
(if: $daysToGo > $water/20) ["Yes, we must use only partial water rations," the captain agrees.
(set: $wRation to 15, $mFactor to it-0.02, $confidence to it+5)]
(else:) ["We have enough water to use full rations for now," the captain says.
You wonder if the captain's confidence in you has gone down.
(set: $wRation to 20, $mFactor to it+0.02, $confidence to it-10)]}
[[next|near Spain]]
{(set: $daysToGo to ($trip-$passage)/70)
(if: $daysToGo > $water/20) ["Unfortunately, we must use only partial water rations," the captain disagrees.
You wonder if the captain's confidence in you has gone down.
(set: $wRation to 15, $mFactor to it-0.02, $confidence to it-10)]
(else:) ["Yes, we have enough water to use full rations for now," the captain says.
(set: $wRation to 20, $mFactor to it+0.02, $confidence to it+5)]}
[[next|near Spain]]
The captain asks if you think if the ship should be careened. It would mean many hours of difficult work but the leaking would decrease and the ship might travel a bit faster.
[[careen|yesA]] | [[don't careen|noA]]
{(if: $passage<1320) [The captain agrees that the ship needs repair and orders the crew to careen the ship on the next high tide.
The crew works feverishly and finishes repairs.
(set: $bilge to 1, $morale to it-5, $lFactor to 1.02, $confidence to it+5, $max to 120) ]
(else:) ["We can avoid that work for now," the captain says. You wonder if the captain's confidence in you has gone down.
(set: $confidence to it-10)]}
[[next|near Spain]]
{(if: $passage<1320) [The captain disagrees and says that the ship needs repair. He orders the crew to careen the ship on the next high tide. You wonder if the captain's confidence in you has gone down.
The crew works feverishly and finishes repairs.
(set: $bilge to 1, $morale to it-5, $lFactor to 1.02, $confidence to it-10, $max to 120) ]
(else:) ["Yes, we can avoid that work for now," the captain says.
(set: $confidence to it+5)]}
[[next|near Spain]]
Several days pass and the captain announces that Spain is not far away. If at all possible, the captain wants to avoid diverting to Spain for food, water, or to careen and make repairs. Spanish tax authorities will ask for a tax on their whale oil barrels.
The captain orders extra lookouts, because even if the ship sails straight to France, there might be Spanish patrol boats to avoid, if possible.
{(set: $day to it+2, $water to it-2*$wRation, $food to it-2*$fRation)
(set: $log to $log + (a: (random: 30, $max),(random: 30, $max)))
(set: $passage to it + $log's 21st+$log's 22nd)
(set: $bilge to it*$lFactor, $morale to it*$mFactor)}
You can choose from:
{(if: $step is 6)[ (set: $log to $log+(a:(random:30,$max)))
(set: $day to it+1) (set: $passage to it + $log's 23rd)
(text:$stageThree's 1st) | (text:$stageThree's 2nd) | (text:$stageThree's 3rd)
(click: $stageThree's 1st)[(go-to: 1st of $stageThree)]
(click: $stageThree's 2nd)[(go-to: 2nd of $stageThree)]
(click: $stageThree's 3rd)[(go-to: 3rd of $stageThree)] ]
(else-if: $step is 7)[ (set: $log to $log+(a:(random:30,$max)))
(set: $day to it+1) (set: $passage to it + $log's 24th)
(text:$stageThree's 4th) | (text:$stageThree's 5th) | (text:$stageThree's 6th)
(click: $stageThree's 4th)[(go-to: 4th of $stageThree)]
(click: $stageThree's 5th)[(go-to: 5th of $stageThree)]
(click: $stageThree's 6th)[(go-to: 6th of $stageThree)] ]
(else-if: $step is 8)[ (set: $log to $log+(a:(random:30,$max)))
(set: $day to it+1) (set: $passage to it + $log's 25th)
(text:$stageThree's 7th) | (text:$stageThree's 8th) | (text:$stageThree's 9th)
(click: $stageThree's 7th)[(go-to: 7th of $stageThree)]
(click: $stageThree's 8th)[(go-to: 8th of $stageThree)]
(click: $stageThree's 9th)[(go-to: 9th of $stageThree)] ]
(else:)[(go-to:"check5")] (set: $water to it-$wRation, $food to it-$fRation, $morale to it*$mFactor, $bilge to it*$lFactor)}
The captain tells you of the royal orders he has received. "I was ordered to bring you to Bayonne and there you are to meet John Florio. He is a man of many talents, knowing multiple languages."
You wonder about what will happen in France, a totally different world. "Be cautious, the situation in France now is unsettled. The king wishes to increase trade to Terranova but finds himself busy with internal problems," the captain warns.
{(set: $step to it+1)}
You ask the navigator about the bit of math he's doing. "Well there's a rule we use to compensate for a cross-current," he says.
A cross-current? "Ah, that's when we want to go say east but there's a current pushing us north. I estimate the strength of the cross-current and our present speed. A 6° course correction in the direction from which the current flows is required per 10% of cross-current velocity relative to the ship's velocity."
"For example, if the cross-current is one knot and we're making five knots, then that's 20%. So I steer 12° towards the current."
{(set: $step to it+1)}
You talk with the Purser, after he finishes up a transction with a deck hand. "Since we spend most of the year on this trip from France to Terranova and back, the crew often run short of things like fabric and thread to mend their clothes or any other litle thing they can't just go buy. I have some items here in the slop chest that they might need."
You know not to ask if these items are just given to a sailor. You have heard crew members say mean things about the Purser.
"Of course, the costs get deducted from their final pay. Hopefully, they still have enough left to make it through till the next voyage."
{(set: $step to it+1)}
You ask the First Mate to tell you about France. "Well, I'll say that it's a fair bit different to your lands. The cities have thousands of people living together closely with many large buildings. And there aren't many wild places left in the countryside either. If there's a forest of decent size around, it's probably held by a noble for their private hunting and fishing."
{(set: $step to it+1)}
The surgeon is wiping up the chair he uses for various procedures. "That was just a simple tooth extraction. I also lance boils, staighten fractures, amputations, and a little doctoring." The surgeon shows you his one bottle of medicine. It smells of alcohol.
"What happens if a sailor dies or loses a limb and can't sail again?" you ask.
"Oh, they or their family would get an extra share when the ship sells the whale oil. Really, we spend most of the year and risk everything for the payout."
{(set: $step to it+1)}
The Harpooner is spending some of his free time decorating a piece of whale bone. You ask about why the Basque travel across the ocean in search of whales.
"We used to find the //balea// in great numbers not far from our homeland. But they became harder and harder to find. So we must go where we must now. It's the way we know how to live."
You wonder if the whales aren't disappearing from the waters around Mi'kma'ki now too.
{(set: $step to it+1)}
You notice that only some of the sailors come to the math lessons and you ask the math tutor why everyone isn't interested in learning more mathematics.
"Some sailors want to perhaps move up in rank, become a steersman or maybe a navigator. For that, they need to confidently calculate where the ship is, where it's going, and how fast. For this, they need instruction in more math than the little they learned growing up."
You think about all the ways to handle a boat and keep track of your progress and can see that the European math techniques could only help.
{(set: $step to it+1)}
During a lull, the musician plays a tune on his recorder. You know that music and singing matter a great deal to the sailors. You've watched them sing in time with tasks like pulling up an anchor.
{(set: $step to it+1, $morale to it+3)}
<img src="" class="right">
You find the roper, or ropemaker, busy mending some rope. "This ship uses a great deal of rope," you say.
"Yes, there's all the rigging and the running lines and more. The wind and salt eats away it, so I'm kept busy."
You wonder about the device used sometimes, called a pulley.
The roper explains. "Say we have 30 feet of rope running through two pulleys like this." He sketches a diagram. "Then if I pull 4 feet of this rope that makes this end now 14 feet and that leaves 16 feet for the other two lengths of rope. So the weight is now 2 feet higher but I traded time for effort."
{(set: $step to it+1)}
Several days pass and the captain asks if you think the ship needs to divert to Spain.
//Think about how many days are probably left, if there's enough food and water and if the bilge depth will reach 15 inches.//
[[divert|divertS]] or [[keep the course|keepS]]
{(set: $day to it+2, $water to it-2*$wRation, $food to it-2*$fRation)
(set: $log to $log + (a: (random: 30, $max),(random: 30, $max)))
(set: $passage to it + $log's 26th+$log's 27th)
(set: $bilge to it*$lFactor, $morale to it*$mFactor)}{(if: ($trip-$passage)>600 and ($divert is false))["Yes, or the safety of the ship and crew, we should divert to Spain. Which also means we don't have to cut rations." (set: $confidence to it-5, $fRation to 60, $wRation to 20, $divertS to true, $trip to it+30, $mFactor to 1)]
(else:) [ The captain says that this expensive and time-consuming step can be avoided.
You wonder if the captain's confidence in you has gone down.(set: $confidence to it-10, $divertS to false)]}
{(if: ($trip-$passage)>600 and ($divert is false))["For the safety of the ship and crew, we should divert to Spain. Which also means we don't have to cut rations." You wonder if the captain's confidence in you has gone down. (set: $confidence to it-10, $fRation to 60, $wRation to 20, $divertS to true, $trip to it+30, $mFactor to 1)]
(else:) [ The captain agrees that this expensive and time-consuming step can be avoided. (set: $confidence to it+5, $divertS to false)]}
{(if: $divertS is true) [get ready to go to Spain]
(else:) [push on through to France]}
{(if: $divertS) [Several days pass and the ship lands in a port of Spain. The purser negotiates a payment of 5 barrels for taxes.
The crew is able to find fresh water and does some fishing. A merchant is willing to sell some bread in exchange for whale oil. He wants one barrel for 30 pounds and will trade up to 360 pounds.
The captain says there's over 300 nautical miles to sail to France and asks for your recommendation.
//Think about how much food will be needed and what the ship has left.// (set: $barrels to it-5)
[[90 pounds|ninety]] | [[150 pounds|one5]] | [[210 pounds|two1]] | [[360 pounds|three6]] ]}
{(else:) [(set: $night to (random:4,7)) The lookout reports a Spanish patrol boat, closing in from 15 miles away. The captain considers whether to run for it or wait for the patrol boat.
"Night fall is $night hours away. If we can keep the patrol boat at least 4 miles away when it gets dark, we can maneuver and lose him. But if we run and don't shake the patrol, they will surely demand a higher tax."
//The patrol boat has a top speed of 6 knots while the Basque boat can do 4 knots.//
do you recommend [[running]] or [[waiting]]? ]}
"We made the stop so we should get more than that," The captain says. You wonder if the captain's confidence in you has gone down.
{(set: $confidence to it-10, $barrels to it-5, $water to 600, $food to it+150)}
"That seems reasonable," the captain says and orders the exchange to be made.
{(set: $confidence to it+5, $barrels to it-5, $water to 600, $food to it+150)}
"That seems reasonable," the captain says and orders the exchange to be made.
{(set: $confidence to it+5, $barrels to it-7, $water to 600, $food to it+210)}"We worked too hard for that oil to trade away so much," The captain says. You wonder if the captain's confidence in you has gone down.
{(set: $confidence to it-10, $barrels to it-7, $water to 600, $food to it+210)}{(if: $night<6) ["Yes, let's see if we can can stay far enough away to lose the patrol in the dark," the captain says.
The crew sets out full sail and eventually loses the patrol in the dark.
(set: $morale to it+2, $confidence to it+5) ]
(else:) ["No, we won't make it and then we will have to pay a higher tax," the captain says. He orders the ship ahead slow. The patrol catches up and the captain negotiates a payment of 5 barrels.
You wonder if the captain's confidence in you has gone down.(set: $barrels to it-5, $confidence to it-10)]}
{(if: $night<6) ["No, let's see if we can can stay far enough away to lose the patrol in the dark," the captain says.
The crew sets out full sail and eventually loses the patrol in the dark.
You wonder if the captain's confidence in you has gone down.
(set: $morale to it+2, $confidence to it-10) ]
(else:) ["Yes, we won't make it and then we will have to pay a higher tax," the captain says. He orders the ship ahead slow. The patrol catches up and the captain negotiates a payment of 5 barrels. (set: $barrels to it-5)]}
The captain asks if you think if the ship should be careened. It would mean many hours of difficult work but the leaking would decrease and the ship might travel a bit faster.
// Think about how many miles are remaining and if the bilge depth will get to 15 inches.//
[[careen|yesS]] | [[don't careen|noS]]
{(if: ($trip-$passage)>350 and $bilge>11) [The captain agrees and says that the ship needs repair. He orders the crew to careen the ship on the next high tide.
The crew works feverishly and finishes repairs.
(set: $bilge to 1, $morale to it-5, $lFactor to 1.02, $confidence to it+5, $max to 120) ]
(else:) ["No, we can avoid that work for now," the captain says.
You wonder if the captain's confidence in you has gone down.
(set: $confidence to it-10)]}
{(if: ($trip-$passage)>350 and $bilge>11) [The captain disagrees and says that the ship needs repair. He orders the crew to careen the ship on the next high tide. You wonder if the captain's confidence in you has gone down.
The crew works feverishly and finishes repairs.
(set: $bilge to 1, $morale to it-5, $lFactor to 1.02, $confidence to it-10, $max to 120) ]
(else:) ["Yes, we can avoid that work for now," the captain says.
(set: $confidence to it+5)]}
France is getting closer.
{(if: $bilge>14.75) [The carpenter reports that the ship is taking on too much water so the captain orders shifts manning the pump. (set: $bilge to it-2, $morale to it-2)]
(if: $water<50) [The quartermaster reports very little water is left, so the captain orders severe rationing. (set: $wRation to 10, $mfactor to it-0.08)]
(if: $food<120) [The quartermaster reports very little food is left, so the captain orders severe rationing. (set: $fRation to 30, $mfactor to it-0.06)]
(if: ($trip-$passage<70)) [The navigator reports that he estimates that France is about a day away. (set: $land to true, $morale to it+2)] }
{(set: $water to it-$wRation, $food to it-$fRation, $morale to it*$mFactor, $bilge to it*$lFactor)
(set: $day to it+1) (set: $passage to it + (random:30,$max))}
{(if: $land) [(go-to: "Bayonne")]
(else:) [(go-to: "Biscay")]You finally reach France. The barrels of whale oil are unloaded and sold. Then the crew receives their shares, which will of course affect their morale and willingness to sail next year.
(if: $barrels>55) [(set: $morale to it+5)]
(else-if: $barrels<54) [(set: $morale to it-5)]
(if: ($morale>76) and ($confidence>64)) [Well done, the trip has been a success.
(set: $code to (random: 50, 350) * 23 + 5)
<h5>Completion code: $code</h5> ]
(else:) [The trip has not been successful.<br>]
(if: ($morale<77)) [morale below 77 ]
(if: ($confidence<65)) [confidence below 65 ]
[[play again?|Start]]
{(set: $water to it-$wRation, $food to it-$fRation, $morale to it*$mFactor, $bilge to it*$lFactor)
(set: $day to it+1) (set: $passage to it + (random:30,$max))}
{(if: $showHeader is true) [
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