<div class="main">
<img src="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/a5/Columbia_University_1910.jpg/320px-Columbia_University_1910.jpg" class="right">
You arrive in New York City, where you received a scholarship to Columbia University. In the 1930s, few people and fewer still American Indians had this opportunity.
</div><div class="main">
<img src="https://aktalakota.stjo.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Ella-Cara-Deloria_Pic.jpg" class="right" style="width:250px">
<p>You meet the person who helped the most to get you the scholarship, Ella Cara Deloria. She mentioned something about a job on campus and you're eager to get started, with the scholarship barely covering tuition and books<br>
"Let's take you over to see Mary Ross," she says. "She can fill you in on the job, but I know she will have some questions."</p>
</div><div class="main">
<img src="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/1/1c/Photo_of_Mary_Golda_Ross.jpg" class="left">
<p>You talk for awhile with Ross and can see that she has been a schoolteacher. She tries to gauge your ability for the job she has in mind.</p>
</div>(set: $eight to 8, $five to 0, $three to 0)
(set: $path to (a:))
<div class="main">
<img src="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/11/Water_pouring_puzzle.png/320px-Water_pouring_puzzle.png" class="left">
<p>"Let's try this reasoning test. Suppose you have 3 containers. You know that when filled all the way to the top, they hold 8 quarts, 5 quarts, and 3 quarts exactly."<br>
She pauses and you nod that you're following her.<br>
"If we start with the 8-quart container totally full, how can we pour back and forth to get the 8 quarts evenly divided?" You ponder this.</p>
<div class="main">
<tr><th>qty in 8 qt</th><th>qty in 5 qt</th><th>qty in 3 qt</th></tr>
<tr><td>[[pour from <br>8 to 5|e5]]</td>
<td>[[pour from <br>5 to 3|f3]]</td>
<td>[[pour from <br>3 to 8|t8]]</td></tr>
<tr><td>[[pour from <br>8 to 3|e3]]</td>
<td>[[pour from <br>5 to 8|f8]]</td>
<td>[[pour from <br>3 to 5|t5]]</td></tr>
</div><!-- find how much room in 5-qt -->
(set: $gap to (5 - $five))
<!-- if $gap > 0 and <= $eight, then fill five and take that much from eight -->
(if: ($gap > 0) and ($gap <= $eight))[(set: $pour to $gap)
(set:$eight to $eight - $pour)
(set:$five to $five + $pour)]
<!-- if $gap > 0 and > $eight, then pour all of eight into five -->
(else-if: ($gap > 0) and ($gap > $eight))[
(set: $five to ($five + $eight))(set: $eight to 0)]
<!-- if $gap <= 0, can't pour anything in
check for 4 and 4 -->
(if: ($eight is 4) and ($five is 4))[(go-to: "passed")]
(set: $path to $path + (a: "8 to 5"))
(redirect: "pour")<!-- find how much room in 3-qt -->
(set: $gap to (3 - $three))
<!-- if $gap > 0 and <= $five, then fill three and take that much from five -->
(if: ($gap > 0) and ($gap <= $five))[(set: $pour to $gap)
(set:$five to $five - $pour)
(set:$three to $three + $pour)]
<!-- if $gap > 0 and > $five, then pour all of five into three -->
(else-if: ($gap > 0) and ($gap > $five))[
(set: $three to ($three + $five))(set: $five to 0)]
<!-- if $gap <= 0, can't pour anything in
check for 4 and 4 -->
(if: ($eight is 4) and ($five is 4))[(go-to: "passed")]
(set: $path to $path + (a: "5 to 3"))
(redirect: "pour")<!-- find how much room in 8-qt -->
(set: $gap to (8 - $eight))
<!-- if $gap > 0 and <= $three, then fill eight and take that much from three -->
(if: ($gap > 0) and ($gap <= $three))[(set: $pour to $gap)
(set:$three to $three - $pour)
(set:$eight to $eight + $pour)]
<!-- if $gap > 0 and > $three, then pour all of three into eight -->
(else-if: ($gap > 0) and ($gap > $three))[
(set: $eight to ($eight + $three))(set: $three to 0)]
<!-- if $gap <= 0, can't pour anything in
check for 4 and 4 -->
(if: ($eight is 4) and ($five is 4))[(go-to: "passed")]
(set: $path to $path + (a: "3 to 8"))
(redirect: "pour")<!-- find how much room in 3-qt -->
(set: $gap to (3 - $three))
<!-- if $gap > 0 and <= $eight, then fill five and take that much from eight -->
(if: ($gap > 0) and ($gap <= $eight))[(set: $pour to $gap)
(set:$eight to $eight - $pour)
(set:$three to $three + $pour)]
<!-- if $gap > 0 and > $eight, then pour all of eight into three -->
(else-if: ($gap > 0) and ($gap > $eight))[
(set: $three to ($three + $eight))(set: $eight to 0)]
<!-- if $gap <= 0, can't pour anything in
check for 4 and 4 -->
(if: ($eight is 4) and ($five is 4))[(go-to: "passed")]
(set: $path to $path + (a: "8 to 3"))
(redirect: "pour")<!-- find how much room in 8-qt -->
(set: $gap to (8 - $eight))
<!-- if $gap > 0 and <= $five, then fill eight and take that much from five -->
(if: ($gap > 0) and ($gap <= $five))[(set: $pour to $gap)
(set:$five to $five - $pour)
(set:$eight to $eight + $pour)]
<!-- if $gap > 0 and > $five, then pour all of five into eight -->
(else-if: ($gap > 0) and ($gap > $five))[
(set: $eight to ($eight + $five))(set: $five to 0)]
<!-- if $gap <= 0, can't pour anything in
check for 4 and 4 -->
(if: ($eight is 4) and ($five is 4))[(go-to: "passed")]
(set: $path to $path + (a: "5 to 8"))
(redirect: "pour")<!-- find how much room in 5-qt -->
(set: $gap to (5 - $five))
<!-- if $gap > 0 and <= $three, then fill five and take that much from three -->
(if: ($gap > 0) and ($gap <= $three))[(set: $pour to $gap)
(set:$three to $three - $pour)
(set:$five to $five + $pour)]
<!-- if $gap > 0 and > $three, then pour all of three into five -->
(else-if: ($gap > 0) and ($gap > $three))[
(set: $five to ($five + $three))(set: $three to 0)]
<!-- if $gap <= 0, can't pour anything in
check for 4 and 4 -->
(if: ($eight is 4) and ($five is 4))[(go-to: "passed")]
(set: $path to $path + (a: "3 to 5"))
(redirect: "pour")<div class="main">
<p>"Well done!"</p>
</div><div class="main">
<img src="http://www.columbia.edu/cu/computinghistory/statbureau.jpg" class="right" style="width: 300px">
<p>Mary Ross takes you down into the basement of a building on campus. You see several people working machines and writing down numbers or checking numbers.<br>
"This is the Columbia University Statistical Bureau. We need more people who can carefully compute. Let's see how you do with this problem."</p>
</div>{(set: $rand1 to (random: 5, 10), $rand2 to (random: 5, 10), $rand3 to (random: 4, 10))
(set: $avg1 to 3+$rand1/2, $avg2 to 2.5+$rand2/2, $avg3 to 3.5+$rand3/2)
(if: $avg3 is $avg2)[(set: $avg3 to $avg3 + 1)]}
<div class="main">
<p>"Suppose we had a large population that we drew three samples from," Mary asks. "The first sample is size 2, the second sample is size 3, and the the third sample is size 5."
<br><span style="border: 2px solid black; padding: 3px">n1 = 2, n2 = 3, n3 = 5</span><br>
She sees that you're following her. "Also suppose we get a sample mean of $avg1 from the first sample, a sample mean of $avg2 from the second sample, and a sample mean of $avg3 from the third sample. What is the best single estimate then for the population mean?"
give your [[estimate]]
</div>(set: $mean to (2*$avg1+3*$avg2+5*$avg3)/10)
(set: $combo to (num:(prompt: "Enter your estimate:", "")))
(if: $combo is $mean)[(go-to:"win")]
(else:)[(go-to:"fail")]<div class="main">
<p>"Nicely done, you have a job. Congratulations."</p>
(set: $code to (random: 50, 350) * 37 + 1)
<h5>Completion code: $code</h5>
</div><div class="main">
<p>"That's not quite right. Think about what effect the different sample sizes have."</p>
try [[again|samples]] or [[no]]?
</div><div class="main">
ok, bye.
You arrive in New York City, where you received a scholarship to Columbia University. In the 1930s, few people and fewer still American Indians had this opportunity. next