In the meadow, you see your Ojibwe friend, Nimkii. "Boozhho, do you want to play a game I just learned?" You ask how to play.
"When it's your turn you can say either bezhig, niizh, or niswi and that gets added to the total. Whoever first gets to niizhtana-ashi-niswi wins!"
Do you want to [[play]] or [[no]]?
{(set: $number to (array: "bezhig", "niizh", "niswi", "niiwin", "naanan", "ningodwaaswi", "niizhwaaswi", "nishwaaswi", "zhaangaswi", "midaaswi", "ashi-bezhig", "ashi-niizh", "ashi-niswi", "ashi-niiwin", "ashi-naanan", "ashi-ningodwaaswi", "ashi-niizhwaaswi", "ashi-nishwaaswi", "ashi-zhaangaswi", "niizhtana", "niizhtana-ashi-bezhig", "niizhtana-ashi-niizh", "niizhtana-ashi-niswi"))}"You can say [[bezhig]], [[niizh]], or [[niswi]].""Hmmm ..."
(live: 3s)[
(replace: ?more)["I say niswi"<br><br>"You can say [[bezhig]], [[niizh]], or [[niswi]]."]
(set: $total to 3)"Okay, do [[you|you start]] want to start or should [[I start]]?"
(set: $total to 0)
(set: $add to 0)"Okay, see you around."(set: $total to $total + 1)
(if: $total < 20)[(goto: "next")]
(else-if: $total is 23)[(goto: "lose")]
(else:)[(goto: "win")](set: $total to $total + 2)
(if: $total < 20)[(goto: "next")]
(else-if: $total is 23)[(goto: "lose")]
(else:)[(goto: "win")](set: $total to $total + 3)
(if: $total < 20)[(goto: "next")]
(else-if: $total is 23)[(goto: "lose")]
(else:)[(goto: "win")]The total after your turn is (print: $number's ($total))
{(if: $total % 4 is 0)[(set: $add to 3)]
(else-if: $total % 4 is 1)[(set: $add to 2)]
(else-if: $total % 4 is 2)[(set: $add to 1)]
(else:)[(set: $add to (either:1, 2))]}
"Hmmm ..."
(live: 3s)[
(replace: ?more)["I say (print: $number's ($add))"<br><br>You can say [[bezhig]], [[niizh]], or [[niswi]].]
(set: $total to $total + $add)The total after your turn is (print: $number's ($total))
{(if: $total % 4 is 0)[(set: $add to 3)]
(else-if: $total % 4 is 1)[(set: $add to 2)]
(else:)[(set: $add to 1)]}
"Hmmm ..."
(live: 3s)[
(replace: ?more)["I say (print: $number's ($add))"<br><br>
"That makes niizhtana-ashi-niswi. I win!"<br>
"Do you want to [[play]] again or [[no]]?"]
"Congratulations, you win!"
"Do you want to [[play]] again or [[no]]?"
↶↷In the meadow, you see your Ojibwe friend, Nimkii. "Boozhho, do you want to play a game I just learned?" You ask how to play.
"When it's your turn you can say either bezhig, niizh, or niswi and that gets added to the total. Whoever first gets to niizhtana-ashi-niswi wins!"
Do you want to play or no?